Meta Writing
Ever write because you think you should? Don’t.
Write when you WANT to. When the thoughts trapped inside your head won’t let you breathe.
When everything in you screams for these thoughts to be let out. Write when it’s cathartic. When it helps you make sense of the nonsense that plagues you. Write when life leaves you dumb-founded, when things lose their charm; or on the flip-side when things astound you with how perfect they are.
Write when people fail you, write when they don’t. Write. Write a lot. But only write when it matters.
Write about the things you see, the people you know. Write about your learnings, your failures.
Write when what you need is to take an honest look at yourself… who you are, your shortcomings, you at your worst; you when the Devil rears his head.
Write when the things you write leave you with a sense of relief, like a wound that has been dressed.
Write to mentally pick at your scabs, to question how you really feel. When you write, you feel. When you feel, you heal.
So write. Write with triumph, write with joy. Write with sorrow, with remorse, with guilt. Write not just because it helps you feel better but because it leaves the world a better place than you found it.
Write with simplicity about all the complex things you know. Write with honesty, with truth, with a voice that’s entirely your own. Don’t write to be featured, to be followed, to be applauded.
Write because if you don’t, it feels like slow poison: killing you from the inside. Write for you. For your soul, for your story, your voice.
Write fearlessly, passionately, independently, humbly.
Write because your words are worthy warriors, ready to lay their lives down on paper to help you see better.
Write because it’s your calling, it’s your reason for being, it’s what sets your soul on fire.
Write. Write well. But never write for the wrong reasons.